Si un message s'affiche selon lequel la fonctionnalité des cookies de votre navigateur est désactivée, il est possible que les cookies ne soient pas activés.
Les cookies propriétaires sont définis par le domaine du site indiqué dans la barre d'adresse. Les cookies tiers proviennent d'autres sources de domaine pour lesquelles des éléments, tels que des annonces ou des images, sont intégrés dans la page. En fonction de votre navigateur, vous pouvez choisir les types de cookies que vous voulez autoriser.
Select "Override automatic cookie handling" under the "Cookies" section in the Advanced Privacy Settings window.
Select the "Accept" or "Prompt" option under "First-party Cookies."
Select the "Accept" or "Prompt" option under "Third-party Cookies." (If you select the "Prompt" option, you'll be asked for approval every time a website attempts to send you a cookie.)
In the Internet Options window, click OK to exit.
To enable cookies in Internet Explorer 6:
Click Start > Control Panel. (With Windows XP Classic View, click the Windows Start button > Settings > Control Panel).
Click Advanced.
Select "Override Automatic Cookie Handling."
Select the "Accept" or "Prompt" option under "First-party Cookies."
Select the "Accept" or "Prompt" option under "Third-party Cookies." (If you select the "Prompt" option, you'll be asked for approval every time a website attempts to send you a cookie.)
Select Allow local data to be set to allow both first-party and third-party cookies. If you only want to accept first-party cookies, check the box next to "Block all third-party cookies without exception."
Select Allow local data to be set to allow both first-party and third-party cookies. If you only want to accept first-party cookies, check the box next to "Block all third-party cookies without exception."
To enable cookies in Safari:
Go to the Safari drop-down menu.
Select Preferences.
Click Security in the top panel.
Still seeing issues after turning cookies on
If cookies in your browser are enabled and you're still seeing an error message that your browser's cookie functionality is turned off, try opening a new window in your browser. Sometimes a browser's cookies will not work properly when you are using multiple tabs in a browser window.
If this does not help, you can also clear your cache and delete your cookies.